Maj 2011: My glitch album “Weightless”  is now on bandcamp. Give it a

                  listen for free.

Mar: 2011: Karensansui”, my contribution for german guitarist Michael Peter’s

                    release “Stretched Landscape Remix Project

Dec 2010:  Release of “Materia e Memoria”, third album from prog-rock

                   touch-guitarist Pensiero Nomade, on which I contributed on 3

                   tracks  (L’abbandono, Forse altrove, Materia e Memoria)

Sep 2010: Unexpected” improvisational collaborative album with

                   instrumentalist Per Boysen, released on bandcamp

Sep 2010: Pre-release of “Polymetric Counterpoint # 1” for the upcoming

                   “Looper’s Delight Vol.IV” release, published on bandcamp

Maj 2010:  Soundtrack and audio design work for short movie “La Pelosa”, by 

                  Three Sister Production (presented at the Martignano Corto Film

                  Festival 2010)

Sep 2009   Audio-Video collaborative set with Xavier Plagaro Mussard for a live

                   set on, for the Virtual Sound and Vision Festival.

Aug 2009    Practicing polyrhythms with thelevi

Jun 2009    First International Live Looping Festival “in Rome”


Maj 2009    Reassembling recordings for a new CD release

Mar 2009   Field Recording contribution for the Tanner Mennard’s project

                   ”Sommeil - a concert for sleep”


                   Blog is online

Jan 2009    Ct-Collective Generative I and II has been released.

                   Both Projects are downloadable here for free

                    Ct-Generative project sub-site is online

Dec 2008   “Il Sesto Continente” studio recording.



  1. June 2012: Live set at the LPM2012 (Rome, MACRO - Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome)

  1. 16 July 2011: Y2KX+1  - IV Florence Live Looping Festival

  1. 20 May 2011: Live Performers Meeting 2011

  1. 15 Oct 2010 Featured Performer at the Y2KX International Live Looping

                       Festival: -  Pearley Alley Studios, h. 23,00

                       (Santa Cruz, CA - USA)

  1. 14 Oct 2010 “15th Anniversary of the 1st Digital Live Looping Series”           

                        Y2KX Live Looping Festival - Anno Domini Gallery, h.20,30

                        (San José CA - USA)


  1. 26 Giu 2010 Third Florence Live Looping Festival

                       (Firenze, 2010)

  1. 3 Oct 2009    Virtual Sound and Vision Festival


                        h: 16,00 UTC - 22, UTC


                        h: 22.00 UTC (24,00 in Italy)

  1. 10 Aug 2009   Sesto Continente live

                         Location: Velletri - p.zza del Comune, h.21,30

  1. 20 Jun 2009  La Festa della Musica, Lanuvio (Roma)

                         Live looping Improvisation with Pensiero Nomade, h: 22,30

  1. 6 Jun 2009    First International Live Looping Festival “in Rome”

                        (part of the European live looping festival)

                        (DimmiDiSì - via dei Volsci 126B - S. Lorenzo, Roma)

  1. 3 jun 2009    “The best of the show” - International Live Looping Festival

                        “in Rome”

                         (part of the European live looping festival)

                         Parco dell’Anconella - Florence

  1. 30 maj 2009  European Live Looping Festival - Antwerp ‘09



(under construction)

Past Archive

1 Nov 2011: Weightless” released by the italian netlabel Laverna.

Jan 2012: Drafts from my nextcoming release are available on Soundcloud

June 1-3, 2012: Live set at the LPM2012 (Rome, MACRO - Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome)