Generative process works on two levels:

The generative process is based on “shift phase”, meaning that the clips’ different lenght will produces different crosspoints between the layered clips while the execution goes on, generating different combination of sounds.

“Patterns” play and mute (don’t stop, they’re just silenced) alternatively, and some musical clips alternatively change their pitch.

In the two long pieces resulting from this process, combinations of sounds are generate just for one time, meaning that you’ll never hear the same combination twice.

The final results of both projects evidences unexpected musical results,  even if it’s clearly “background music”.


Clips start playing one after another, so it’s easy to keep trace of each new sound that’s fading into the song. They fade out the same way, one after another.

Each clip is looped, but first loop plays, second loop is muted and so on. This is a “pattern”. When all patterns are playing together they mix automatically over time, due the different lengths of each patters and combination of sounds given by the patterns that are playing or muting.

On CT-Generative II there are also some other “rules” working. In particular, after 3 patterns (six loops total - odd loops are audible, even loops are muted) the 4th is totally muted (loops #7,8 aren’t audible and so on...). All clips follow this rule from the beginning to the end.

In some clips with musical content there is also a pitch variations (I-III; I-IV; I-V) that works just on alternate “even patterns” (2nd patterns play a pitch variation; 4th cycle is muted; 6th cycle plays a pitch variation; 8th cycle is muted and so on...).

Each clip plays for a fixed cycles number, then it stops.


The final mixes of both generative projects contain “track marks”. In each project I’ve put those track-marks where it was possible (that’s the main reason whyI established the “silent points” rule and muted odd loops).

CT-Generative I has 40 track marks, CT-Generative II, has 34.

The mix was burned as “once” with no silence between the tracks.

Now you can listening to them as a unique long track or setting “shuffle” function in your player, to get the sequences playing every time in a different order.

On-line “Generative Room”

I’ve provided a subsite with more detailed infos about the process and contributors and a Generative Room, where you can test the “shifting” process, playing with the original audio clips of both projects.

CD 1 - CT-Generative I
Under the bridge
CD 2 - CT-Generative II
Dreaming of dust and water
