1. Last Minutes                                       (Live at the First Cologne Live Looping festival, with 

                                                                Michael Peters on el. guitar - 30 maj 2008).

  1. Intimacy                                                (Ct-Acoustic project coordinated by Norel Pref, 2008)

  1. Mucho Retrazo                                     (live with G. Peretti on drum machines and samples,

  2.                                                                2007)

  1. Sottovoce                                              (with G. Peretti on drum machines, samples and

                                                                 trumpet - 2007).

  1. Landing on waters                                 (Ct-MRI coordinated by Krispen Hartung, 2007)

  1. La dimensione onirica del Sig. Fellini    (Xperimentus - Krispen Hartung and friends, 2006)

  1. La musique                                            (studio recording, 2003)

  1. Sud                                                        (studio recording, 2000)